Money-saving Tips NZ: How to Save Week in, Week Out
8 Ways to Save Money in New Zealand
1. Pack your lunch and snacks – SAVE UP TO $14
Practice a little financial mindfulness. For example, do you prepare packed lunches during the week or do you rely on costly impulse purchases from the local cafe? The difference can be huge on a daily basis, and you may save up to $14 a week. By being just a little more aware of where your hard earned dollars are being spent, savings add up nicely.
2. Ditch the biscuits, grab a banana - SAVE UP TO $2.50
A recent price check we did at a major supermarket revealed that a bunch of six fresh bananas cost just around $2.50. A pack of popular chocolate biscuits, on the other hand, was $5. Fresh fruit isn’t only good for you and your waistline, if you eat seasonally and keep a keen eye out for the specials, it’s also a simple way to save.
3. Love those leftovers - SAVE UP TO $15
What’s left from last night’s dinner is a perfect start for today’s lunch. Just divide up the meat and veggies across the number of meals you’re catering for and then add some freshly prepared rice to fill out the portion. Job done.
4. Waste not, want not – SAVE UP TO $30
Every year, it’s estimated that Kiwis waste up to $1.8 billion worth of food. That’s an estimated 1/8 of our total annual spend, or just over $30 per week, per family. Throwing away food is basically throwing away money, so why not try keeping your shopping receipt stuck to the fridge and tick off what you have used as you go? You’ll soon see just how much food is going to waste each week.
5. Go to the green grocer – SAVE UP TO $6
Based on a recent study, veggies bought direct from a local green grocer can be up to 20% cheaper than those on offer in supermarkets. So get to know your local green grocer or visit farmers’ markets to pick up as-fresh-as-they-get veggies for maybe less.
6. Make one day veggie day - SAVE UP TO $4.50
Meat and poultry can be expensive but, if you’re a committed carnivore, we understand why they’re hard to give up completely. So, just one day a week, why not substitute some tofu at around $4 per pack for that 500g tray of chicken at about $8.50? Or if tofu’s not to your taste, simply fill out your meal with more veggies. If you get your flavour base to your liking you might not even notice the difference.
7. Kitchen DIY – SAVE UP TO $2
If you’ve ever done a price check on a jar of mayonnaise or any other dressing then you’ll know they don’t come cheap. So why not whip them up yourself? One option is to plant a simple herb garden and make your own marinades and dressings with a mix of your favourite ingredients. It’s much cheaper and you know exactly what is and isn’t going into the mix.
8. Shop where the savings are - SAVE UP TO $37
When it comes to everyday items, shop with those stores who have built their reputation on delivering lower prices. Depending on the groceries you purchase, you could save up to $37 per week for your family’s typical weekly shop by choosing the discount retailer over their pricier competitors for similar products. It may not suit you for everything, but when it comes to the basics the savings are worth it.
Of course, these tips are just some of the ways you can trim your weekly grocery costs back. Other suggestions include keeping your shopping receipt stuck to the fridge and ticking off what you have used as you go so you waste less, making homemade pizzas and other quick to prep meals instead of take-out, and making sure that you shop with a list to avoid impulse buys. But with a saving of at least $111 per week, they’re a very good start.
With that kind of spare change within your reach, you can put it away in a savings account, plan a sunshine holiday and still have a bit left over to cover some of life’s important things, like quality health insurance.
nib can help you look after your healthcare needs from as little as $8.38 per week or $435.76 per year, so you can call on the treatment or services you need should you ever need them. Worth thinking about for you and your family, eh?
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Information correct as at August 2018